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Kamis, 27 September 2012

Cara Mengganti Background Login Audition Ayodance

Cara membuat Background Login Audition Ayodance:

1. Buka Folder Ayodance (biasanya di C:\Program Files\Ayodance)
2. Buka folder DATA
3. Trus lihat dan pilih foto yang menjadi background loginnya, kalo saya di file intro.jpg

4. Misalkan foto yang mau dijadiin background kayak gini

5. Buka foto tersebut dengan foto editor atau apalah, kalo Saya pake photoshop. Karena resolusi yang dipake 1024 x 768 ubah Jadi Ubah Ukurannya (PENTING) : width nya 1024 dan height nya 768. Save as dengan nama kayak foto tadi yaitu "intro.jpg" tanpa tanda kutip

6. Copas foto tersebut di folder DATA, kalo ditanyain do you want replace pilih aja yes. Atau kalo mau foto asli di backup dulu di copy ke tempat laen

 7. Hasilnya : 









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Lyric Webwillz Music

As sly as a fox, as strong as
an ox.
As fast as a hare, as brave
as a bear.
As free as a bird, as neat as
a word.
As quite as a mouse, as big
as a house.

All I wanna be, all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is

As mean as a wolf, as sharp
as a tooth.
As deep as a bite, as dark
as the night.
As sweet as a song, as right
as a wrong.
As long as a road, as ugly
as a toad.

As pretty as a picture
hanging from a fixture.
Strong like a family, strong
as I wanna be.
Bright as day, as light as
As hard as nails, as grand
as a whale.

All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once, everything at once, ooh
Everything at once.

As warm as the sun, as
silly as fun.
As cool as a tree, as scary
as the sea.
As hot as fire, cold as ice.
Sweet as sugar and
everything nice.

As old as time, as straight
as a line.
As royal as a queen, as
buzzed as a bee.
Stealth as a tiger, smooth
as a glide.
Pure as a melody, pure as I
wanna be.

All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once.