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Senin, 29 Oktober 2012
Postingan (Atom)
Lyric Webwillz Music
As sly as a fox, as strong as
an ox.
As fast as a hare, as brave
as a bear.
As free as a bird, as neat as
a word.
As quite as a mouse, as big
as a house.
All I wanna be, all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
As mean as a wolf, as sharp
as a tooth.
As deep as a bite, as dark
as the night.
As sweet as a song, as right
as a wrong.
As long as a road, as ugly
as a toad.
As pretty as a picture
hanging from a fixture.
Strong like a family, strong
as I wanna be.
Bright as day, as light as
As hard as nails, as grand
as a whale.
All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once, everything at once, ooh
Everything at once.
As warm as the sun, as
silly as fun.
As cool as a tree, as scary
as the sea.
As hot as fire, cold as ice.
Sweet as sugar and
everything nice.
As old as time, as straight
as a line.
As royal as a queen, as
buzzed as a bee.
Stealth as a tiger, smooth
as a glide.
Pure as a melody, pure as I
wanna be.
All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once.
an ox.
As fast as a hare, as brave
as a bear.
As free as a bird, as neat as
a word.
As quite as a mouse, as big
as a house.
All I wanna be, all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
As mean as a wolf, as sharp
as a tooth.
As deep as a bite, as dark
as the night.
As sweet as a song, as right
as a wrong.
As long as a road, as ugly
as a toad.
As pretty as a picture
hanging from a fixture.
Strong like a family, strong
as I wanna be.
Bright as day, as light as
As hard as nails, as grand
as a whale.
All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once, everything at once, ooh
Everything at once.
As warm as the sun, as
silly as fun.
As cool as a tree, as scary
as the sea.
As hot as fire, cold as ice.
Sweet as sugar and
everything nice.
As old as time, as straight
as a line.
As royal as a queen, as
buzzed as a bee.
Stealth as a tiger, smooth
as a glide.
Pure as a melody, pure as I
wanna be.
All I wanna be, ooh all I wanna
be, ooh
All I wanna be is
Everything at once.